In this edition:

  1. The Will to Overcome Life’s Obstacles
  2. A Shared Commitment to Change the World
  3. Embrace MERCY

Dear MERCYworldwide Family,

I vividly recall a childhood memory of a boy named Peter who lived in our neighborhood. Peter had an intellectual disability and stood out as someone who didn’t quite fit in.

Whenever I saw Peter playing outside, even though he was considerably older, I made a point to spend time with him and offered simple gestures to show him he was cared for. 

The Will to Overcome

Fast forward many moons, I received a call at the advent of the Russian-Ukraine war from Michael Williamson, a dear friend and the dynamic leader of the London International Christian Church. Michael’s call compelled Denise and me to journey to Poland for MERCY to provide support to the flood of Ukrainian refugees streaming across the border.

The sight of all the refugees, clutching their meager belongings, desperately fleeing the bombing and devastation, shook me to the core.  Among them were women, children, the elderly, and those with disabilities. Their faces expressed resilience and survival amidst the chaos and uncertainty.  Conspicuously absent were the men between the ages of 18 to 60 – forced to stay behind to fight to defend their homeland.  

At the Ukrainian-Polish Border 

Amidst the sea of humanity, one stood out, Loisha, 19 years old, a national badminton champion who sought refuge with his 14-year-old sister, Valeria.  Loisha was hearing impaired and, therefore, exempt from the draft. Although bearing the weight of the war, Loisha’s faith and infectious smile inspired me, giving me hope that all things are possible no matter the obstacles.   

The Shared Commitment to Change the World 

I was overjoyed when MERCY received a generous donation from Michael and Gabriel Witteman, enabling us to purchase hearing aids for Loisha.  What a beautiful moment when Loisha could finally hear.

The transformative power of a shared commitment to demonstrate acts of compassion inspires me to continue the mission to change the world, one person at a time.  (See Loisha in the MERCY video, stating, “I can hear”)

Link to Video:

Like you and many others, I share an innate drive to help those in need and to ensure they are valued.  At its core, this sentiment is a fundamental aspect of our shared humanity, the core of MERCY’s values.

Loisha placed 3rd in the Junior World Deaf Badminton Championships 2019 in Taiwan and 5th in the Adult category.
Loisha serving at the Warsaw Refugee Center
Loisha (center), along with Valeria (to his left) and the MERCY Ambassadors in Warsaw, Poland conducted a badminton tournament in February with over 100 in attendance.

Embrace MERCY 

As we conclude this edition of our newsletter, we invite you to join us in supporting the vital work of MERCYworldwide. Your involvement makes a tangible difference in lives like Loisha, bringing hope, relief, and transformation to individuals, families and communities around the globe.

Here are ways you can support our efforts:

  1. Donate: Your financial contributions enable us to continue our humanitarian projects and reach more individuals in need. Every donation, no matter the size, has the power to transform lives.
         100% of your contributions goes directly to MERCY projects!
  2. Spread Awareness: Help us amplify our message by sharing our mission with your friends, family, and social networks. Together, we can raise awareness and inspire others to get involved.
  3. Pray: Your prayers are a source of strength and guidance for our team as we navigate challenges and strive to make a positive impact. Your spiritual support is invaluable.

Together, we can be a beacon of hope and compassion in a world that craves kindness and support. Your support is not just a donation; it is an investment in creating a brighter future for all.

We are grateful for our shared mission of extending MERCY and transforming lives.

Together, let’s maximize our time, unify our efforts, and turn compassion into action – one act of MERCY at a time.

With heartfelt gratitude,
Nick Bordieri
Executive Director